Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is an amazing experience, but it is also a challenging one. By following these requirements, you can increase your chances of success.

Jambo Mountaineers!

We climb to heal our mind & soul, to conquer the mountains, to meditate and align with our goals to heal and rejuvenate -new beginnings .Come as you’re -from all walks of life make- friends on the way …this is your journey ,these are our mountains -with the sight and sounds of Africa. Karibu!

Congratulations on your decision to climb Mount Kilimanjaro & Mount Kenya! This is an incredible achievement that will require a great deal of physical and mental preparation.

Here are some of the requirements for climbing Mount Kilimanjaro & Mount Kenya

  • Physical fitness: You must be in good physical condition to climb Mount Kilimanjaro & Mount Kenya. Being able to hike for several hours a day at a moderate pace, carrying a small backpack with your water and snacks .

  • Age: The minimum age to climb Mount Kilimanjaro & Mount Kenya is 10 years old. There is no upper age limit, but older climbers may need to be in better physical condition than younger climbers.

  • Health: You must be in good health to climb Mount Kilimanjaro & Mount Kenya. You should have a recent doctor's checkup and clearance to climb.

  • Visa: You will need a e-visa to enter Tanzania & Tanzania -apply for a visa online

  • Gear: You will need to purchase or rent all of the gear you need for the climb, including a backpack, sleeping bag, hiking boots, and clothing. We’ve the tents.

  • Climbing permit: Climbing permit from the Tanzania & Kenya Parks Authority included in your package.

  • Guide: We’ve trained guides and Porters Mount Kilimanjaro & Mount Kenya summit.

Here are some additional tips for climbing Mount Kilimanjaro & Mount Kenya:

  • Start training early. The best time to start training for Mount Kilimanjaro & Mount Kenya is at least six months before your climb. This will give you enough time to build up your fitness and get used to hiking with a backpack.

  • Hike with a weighted backpack. One of the best ways to train for Mount Kilimanjaro & Mount Kenya is to hike with a weighted backpack. Our Porters will carry the heavy backpack, however you carry your water and snacks.

  • Acclimatize to high altitude. Mount Kilimanjaro & Mount Kenya are high-altitude mountains, and it is important to give your body time to adjust to the altitude. This can be done by hiking to high altitudes in your home country before you climb Kilimanjaro.

  • Listen to your body. It is important to listen to your body during your climb. If you are feeling tired, take a break. If you are feeling sick, descend to a lower altitude.

  • Be patient. Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro & Mount Kenya takes time. Don't rush -Pole -Pole

I hope these tips help you prepare for your climb of Mount Kilimanjaro & Mount Kenya. Good luck!

